Scholars Success
SFA’s Scholar Success Program advances our Culture of Continuation strategy. Statistically, the likelihood that African American young men will attend and graduate from college are among the lowest rates in the city—and that is our concern. We know that only 36% of African American men have a bachelor’s degree or higher; comparatively, 63% of White men and 79% of Asian men have a bachelor’s degree or higher—a difference of 27 and 43 percentage points respectively.
By providing African-American graduating seniors the opportunity to secure a four-year scholarship, SFA works to combat these staggering statistics. However, our scholarships alone, are not enough to support a cost of college; and so, we also research available scholarship opportunities to ensure our Scholars reduce or eliminate their postsecondary debt burden.
The San Francisco Achievers Scholars Program aims to reduce the academic, social and financial hurdles that have worked to keep African-American young men from getting to and through college.
Scholarship Applications
Application Period
Monday, December 2 – Friday, February 14
Renewal Applications
Application Period
Monday, December 9 – Friday, February 14

Our Approach
Access to internship
Post secondary Transition
Developing Professional Networks
Navigating College
1-on-1 Mentor Support
Major Declarations
Career Guidance
School-Life Balance
Satisfying Academic Obligations
Group Mentoring Support
Peer-mentor Support
Exposure to professional networks

Mentoring Program
The transition to college isn’t always easy, particularly when you are the first in your family to attend college. For African American students the difficulties are more pronounced; they are nearly 35% more likely to drop-out of college in their first year than the average college student. Studies indicate that students who work with their mentors develop critical insight into important academic and life skills such as study strategies and time management. Mentors are a community asset; they guide students, provide validation, help students adjust to college life, and offer much needed support away from home.
SFA invests in getting to know and understand our Scholars. Through a rigorous vetting process, Program staff aim to uncover the academic, social and financial needs of our Scholars. Our goal is to assure that they thrive personally and
academically; to assure they take full advantage of available resources—including mentors.
Become a Mentor
Join the Movement: Your time, commitment, and wisdom are invaluable and is needed as students embark on their future success.

Our Approach
Group Mentoring Support
Peer-mentor Support
Exposure to professional networks
Goal Setting & Accountability
Communication Strategies
Professional Development
Scholar Resource Lists
opportunities, internships and job listings to further support your academic success.

College Student