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Why Steph Curry Donated to San Francisco Achievers
Steph Curry is known for his generosity and ongoing philanthropic efforts throughout the Bay Area. This is why after the Golden State Warriors became the 2016 NBA champions, he publicly donated to San Francisco Achievers. In an effort to never
Fun in the Sun
SF Achievers Scholars went on a number of fun trips this summer and fall. They are shown at: High School Summer Picnic at Kimball Playground, kayaking near Sausalito with Outward Bound and ETC, riding horses at the Foggy Ranch Day,
Alum Joins Team
SF Achievers is a young program but is now old enough to welcome one of its first graduates back as a staff member. David Miles III, joined the team this fall as the organization’s first full-time High School Support Program
Mentoring Close Up: Jane and Richard
Jane Bryson first learned about San Francisco Achievers through her church and was intrigued by the organization’s mission to reduce the achievement gap for young African American men in the city’s high schools, but she didn’t initially see herself as
A Windy Meet & Greet in St. Mary’s Square!
On Wednesday, July 15th at 6:00pm, a group of twenty-three strangers met in St. Mary’s Square. They looked around—some with contagious excitement, others with subdued curiosity—seemingly wondering, Is that him? or I wonder if that’s her? For almost everyone involved,